Well finally a winner that wasn’t one of the Big Three Again. This time Kurt Busch gets the win in Bristol. Nice to see there was 4-5 drivers who had a shot at winning.

In the pool we have Big Buzz, Whiskey Matters, SmokinJoe, Lexus Lady, and Mitchman.
Rounding out the top 10 we have Amigo Haters, Dutch, Three Amigos, Sparky1, and Bandit.
Most Points for the week goes to Lexus Lady with 267.
Biggest gain for the week goes to Army up 9 spots.
Biggest slide for the week goes to Patty Cake down 10 spots.
Trades for 2018 are due by September 01, 2018. You can submit your trades to murphsnascarpool@rogers.com anytime before then. Remember you are allowed to trade ONE driver from any group for another driver from the same group. You are only allowed to trade ONE driver in total.